Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Voice of the Week: Emeli Sandé

How I found out

I can't remember if I heard Next To Me first, when it played everywhere (including Glee), or if I heard her cover of Beyoncé's Crazy In Love when there was buzz about The Great Gatsby film.


For some reason, it took me more than two listen-throughs of Sandé's album (she's made just one studio album so far) to fully appreciate her talent. I think the reason was that her type of voice doesn't quite resonate with me. Not that she doesn't hit the notes or have power in her voice, of course she does, but it's just a matter of preference. (A similar example would be Jennifer Hudson – unbelievably huge voice and great ability to project emotion, yet she bores me. Please don't throw that shoe at me.) However, I then started paying more attention to her lyrics, and came to respect her very much as a lyricist. This week's "Random lyric sample" actually isn't random at all, I chose them because I absolutely adore those last two lines. And there are lots of golden moments like this in Sandé's other songs.

Favourite songs

Next To Me



Do I even have to tell you what an awesome, positive beat Next To Me has? Daddy has some mysterious alluring quality in it, and Wonder makes a great addition to a work-out playlist – tested and approved by yours truly!

I would listen to this music when...

I get home after having a really good day.

Random lyric sample

If you're looking for the big adventure
And gold is all that's on your mind
If all you want's someone to take your picture
Then I won't waste your time
See, maybe I'm too quiet for you
You probably never noticed me
But if you're too big to follow rivers
How you ever gonna find the sea?
(River, album Our Version of Events)

Stars ★★★★


Suggestions for featured Voice of the Week subjects are still welcome! I'd love to "find" some singers or groups that I've never heard of.


  1. She's got such an amazing voice in my opinion, it's unbelievable listening to her!
    Also, I tagged you again for 11 new things ;)

  2. I looove Emeli Sande :) If you're after more singers I'd suggest Ben Howard. I actually find his voice very sexy ;) I'm also loving Katy B's song Crying for No Reason. I've loved her singles for a while but I think this song is finally going to spur me onto getting her album.
